Event report: “Diversity in the Australian publishing industry”
From Editors Victoria Editors Victoria’s event on “Diversity in the Australian publishing industry and how can we support under-represented editors” with Dr Radhiah Chowdhury and Susannah Bowen took place on 19 November. The discussion addressed the factors that may have contributed to high levels of…
November 2024 Editors Victoria
President’s report by Margaret Trudgeon AE The year is fast coming to a close, and the Editors Victoria committee has been working hard over the past month to get some PD workshops and events underway, while planning for new ones to come. We have just…
A Conversation With Shehan Karunatilaka and Sasanka Perera
Tambapanni Academic Publishers cordially invite you to join us for an enriching conversation between Booker winning novelist Shehan Karunatilaka and renowned sociologist Sasanka Perera on how academic research can enhance creative work. Focusing on integrating academic research into creative writing, Shehan Karunathilaka and Sasanka Perera…
Emerging Writers’ Festival
I’m glad that I was able to contribute in some way to the Emerging Writers’ Festival by joining one of the Focus Groups back in May this year. The Focus Group was an oportunity for literary festival enthusiasts outside of the main program coordinators to…
HAP International Summer School 2022
Dr. Stefanie Lotter and Swaraj Chitrakar lead participants in a discussion on critical approaches to the archive. Taragaon Museum, Kathmandu. Photo © Monalisa Maharjan. The summer school was attended by graduate students in social sciences and other fields of study (including heritage studies, archival and…
September 10, 2021 | in Dispatches, News, Weekly Roundup
Thirangie Jayatilake, Educational Arm, reporting from Sri Lanka Tambapanni Academic Publishers (TAP) was launched online on the 21 of August, 2021. TAP Founder Professor Sasanka Perera addressed the audience regarding his stance on the current state of the academic publishing industry, as well as the social…
July 30, 2021 | in Dispatches, News, Weekly Roundup
Thirangie Jayatilake, Educational Arm Assistant, reporting from Sri Lanka Sri Lanka’s small publishing industry is limited to few publishers, but four book lovers have launched their own press to fill the gap. Tambapanni Academic Publishers, an academic publishing house named for the first Sinhalese kingdom in…