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Feature Articles, NEWS Reports, NYUAD

Behind the RealAD 

It’s your first time at university in a different country, and you’re on your own among people you’ve only just met. You might be anxious about the classes you’re in, what kind of culture you are stepping into, whether you’re going to make good friends…

Articles, Feature Articles, NYUAD

A Look Into Camel Culture 

6.09 a.m. The bus took off, rolling out of Saadiyat carrying a bunch of yawning faces that were already snuggling in for a bit of sleep before Al Wathbah came into view. The sun had perched itself on the horizon, slowly rising with the patterned…


剩女 (Sheng Nu. Left over Woman) 

How old are you? Shouldn’t you be married ? Yes, I am 25, I shouldn’t be anything that I don’t want to be. I am complete by myself, don’t make me Seem halved, Because I don’t Have a husband. Do you want to disrespect your…


Fort Weddings 

Multiple brides, An auspicious day, it seems. Sari potas with windfull rustles, In white, crimson and peach. Front of the maritime museum, In a popular background of anchors, And I with my camera, Looking at the foreigner with his camera, Looking at the official wedding…


Powerlifting – NYUAD 

Despite powerlifting sounding like it is going to be all about brawn – there was a cheerful, almost jovial, atmosphere around the stadium at NYUAD as smiling spectators supported the hardy competitors. The male and female powerlifters in various weight classes would test their mettle…